Sunday came up so fast with lots of expectations for Lola’s birthday party. I wore a cool fitted suit, my best suit actually with a hat. While Nancy wore a dress Mirabel provided for her.
We arrived the place before and the place was wow! full of exotic cars, that was my first time of seeing a Lamborghini car and others. Music was booming the environment, I saw so many good looking and sophisticated persons in attendance. That was when I had a thought of pride that I’m rolling with bigger girls. Well, I didn’t feel intimidated at all because, I got a nice ride and well dressed as well.
I met Mirabel’s guards standing at the frontage of her lodge, I asked them if Mirabel was inside, they replied positive. Some guys and girls were seated in the parlor but Mirabel wasn’t. I greeted them before asking after her and they said she went to the room to get dressed. I went straight to her room and knocked…
Mirabel: Who is it?
Me: Your boyfriend
Mirabel: Come in come in come in
I slowly opened the door and walked in, she was backing me
Mirabel: I’ve been waiting for you, Now tell me, how do i look? **Turning around to face me**
Me: Woah… you’re a true definition of beauty, a virtue of grace, I’m incredibly graced by your grace, I’m highly favoured beyond imaginations, you have no idea to how happy i am to have you, you’re like a figment of my thoughts but thank God you’re real, thank God for creating you, I’m extremely blessed. Oh my! what am i saying? Come give hug please baby…
We hugged each other for so many minutes, i also caressed her hair emotionally that I didn’t know when a tear dropped off my left eye.
Me: I will always love you Mirabel, I will continue to love you no matter what… The love I have for you is irreplaceable.
Mirabel: I love you so much and you know it, I believe whatever you tell me, I trust the love we have for each other,,, I’m made to understand that, sometimes in life, the best doesn’t come first but mostly comes last. Yes I was born with everything i need, but you stand as the best thing that has ever happen to me. With you in my life, I have everything I want and my love for you is unconditional.
**We were still hugging each other before someone opened the door**
Cynthia: Oops! sorry for intruding guys, didn’t know uhmmm… excuse me, Mirabel everyone is waiting for you outside, they’re about to start
Mirabel: Ok I’m coming out, just give me a minute. Is Lola out yet?
Cynthia: No, she’s waiting for you
Mirabel: Ok, just a minute please
Cynthia: Alright hurry up. Hi Victor
Me: Hi **I just waved at her with a coy smile then she left**
Mirabel: Victor
Me: Yes?
Mirabel: Everyone will know today that you’re my boyfriend
Me: I don’t understand
Mirabel: As you know, this is a high class party and everyone you see out there are sons and daughters of dignitaries like Senators, Ministers, Governors, big business men children and all that. So,,, people like us are not expected to come here with any random person, we can only come with our date, friends or spouse
Me: Okay…
Mirabel: You and I will be together throughout the party, that is after I escort Lola to the Celebrant’s seat then We’ll seat together by her right side. And I will introduce you to anyone I meet as my boyfriend
Me: Its cool, no problem
Mirabel: Sure?
Me: Yea, sure, even if your Father gets to know I won’t be bothered
Mirabel: Really…?
Me: Just kidding
Mirabel: He’s not gonna do anything nasty I’m sure of that
Me: Well, he is your Father, you should trust him,,, He should only know about us when the time is right
Mirabel: Of course, that’s what I’m waiting for. Put this in your mind that I’m taking you to my father in Aso rock two weeks after our final exams
Me: Aso rock?
Mirabel: Yea, why?
Me: But his tenure will expire months before we graduate
Mirabel: So? what happens to second term?
Me: Oh… I forgot
Mirabel: By the way, where is Nancy?
Me: Oh my God!
Mirabel: What is it?
Me: No, nothing, She’s outside… let’s go join them, they’re waiting for you
Mirabel: Yea, let’s go. What about Promise?
Me: I dunno, we haven’t talked today. She didn’t call me
Mirabel: The securities will deny her access if she should come because we only invited her with our mouth as our close friend and not with invitation card and she doesn’t even have a car. Let’s call her quick,,,, where is that my phone
Me: Lemme call her **I brought my phone out from my pocket** my phone has been switched off all this while and i didn’t know **I quickly switched it on**
Mirabel: Maybe she’s been trying to call you, who knows? Woah… eleven missed calls from her
**She dialed Promise’s number and she picked up at once, then Mirabel put on loud speaker**
Mirabel: Hello Promise
Promise: Hi I’ve been calling you but you didn’t pick up and Victor’s line is unreachable
Mirabel: I apologize, I’ve been busy. They refused to allow you come in?
Promise: Yeah at first, but I’m in now,,, thanks to Cynthia. Where are you guys by way?
Mirabel: In my room but we’re coming out now
Promise: Please hurry up, I’m feeling awkward and nervous out here
Mirabel: Just meet us in my lodge
Promise: Ok, on my way
**Hangs up**
Mirabel: Lets go lets go
Me: After you my darling
We stepped out together, the guys and ladies we met in the parlor all stood up when we showed up in the parlor. She greeted them in a hurry while stepping out and they followed us or they followed her rather,,,, who know me? Lol.
The guards opened the entrance door and there stood Promise, glowing like a star, where did she hid her beauty all this while that i did not see? I was stunned by her beauty but refused to get carried away.
Mirabel: You’re looking good Promise
Promise: Thanks, and you’re looking gorgeous
Mirabel: Thanks,,, come on, let’s go and escort Lola out to her seat, we’re already late. Guys you may go have your seat (Referring to the ones with us) Victor please wait for me here, Promise lets go
They left for Lola/Cynthia’s lodge to escort the celebrant out while I stood in front of her lodge as she told me to wait for her. I was looking around for my sister Nancy, I didn’t know where she was.
Mirabel came out alone some few minutes later and went to grab a mic, she signaled them to pause the music. After which, she welcomed everyone in attendance and also said other things. Gosh! her voice sounded so good on the mic, God help me ‘coz I so much love this girl.
She then announced the arrival of the celebrant, every one stood up clapping their hands while Lola and her escorts came out, my mind became cool when I saw Nancy with them. Mirabel however, handed over the mic to the MC after making a comment that…
“Lemme quickly go get my boyfriend before these beautiful ladies in the house do something nasty”
The guests cheered and applauded to that,,, while she left the stage and walk towards me smiling with confidence.
All eyes on me! I started feeling so nervous that I felt like I was gonna collapse even though I was standing upright.
She came and stood in front of me smiling,,,she looks so adorable and extremely beautiful. I looked at her with love written all over my face… I took charge of the situation by offering her my hand, she accepted then we walked like newly weds to our seat at Lola’s right side. The MC continued with the menu after the cheering from the guests.
The MC called on the celebrant to get her man by her side. Another romantic drama took place when Lola brought her guy Dax to her side.
The party continued from one interesting item to the other… from cutting the cake to dancing, artistes performances and other entertaining performances. Lola’s boyfriend, Dax also performed a special song for Lola,,,, that was when I know that he was a Musician.
The time for general dance,,, everyone started taking their lady to the dance floor, I also did the same. I noticed how Nancy looked at me when that Vincent, Dax’s friend offered her his hand as a request for her to dance with him. I just nod a ‘go ahead’ for her so she’ll not fall his hand. I wasn’t focused on my dancing because I was watching them for any wrong dance moves but he danced like a gentleman,,, although I was still suspecting him (Vincent).
The refreshments were extremely refreshing, I didn’t ate much though,,, I reserved myself for later when I can eat comfortably, probably with familiar eyes and not otherwise.
Later in the evening around or thereabout, the MC announced the main event of the menu which is the “Pool Party”. Everyone cheered and applauded to the anouncement. Then they brought in costumes for the Pool party for both male and females. Bikinis for females and shorts for males. The MC further said that…
MC: Its time to see dah sis packs in dah house and some banging bodies baby! leeets do this!! **Drops mic**
(Instantly, the lights turned red and blue)
Personally, I wasn’t OK on that one, I felt somehow uncomfortable.
Mirabel: Hey handsome
Me: Baby is this necessary?
Mirabel: Well, this is the best part Lola loves on every birthday party she attends ,,, so she also want to do it on her own birthday party, so here we are
Me: I don’t think I can participate on this one
Mirabel: What? honey please you have to
Me: I can’t,,, I’m not feeling this
Mirabel: Honey let’s do this for Lola pleaaase?
Me: Mirabel….
Mirabel: Honey pleaseee… just for today, for Lola please honey
Me: OK alright
Mirabel: Thanks hun,,, don’t be shy of your invisible packs
Me: What?
Mirabel: Lemme get a short for you, gimme a minute
Dax: Hey guys… Mirabel and ermmm sorry?
Me: Victor
Dax: Yea my bad, how is it going bro?
Me: Just good **handshakes**
Vincent: Hey man
Me: Bro whats up **handskakes**
Vincent: Good,,,, its a nice party
Me: Yea…
Mirabel: I’m coming guys **runs away**
Me and both guys who were already on shorts showing their six packs chatted a little about some things before Mirabel showed up with a short for me. I excused myself and went in to put it on before joining them,,, I had my siglet on though, I don’t have packs and I don’t even like appearing bare-bodied in public.
We all surrounded the pool in groups, some in twos and others inside the pool already having fun with non-stop party music and drinks. There were balls, water-guns and so many things that made the pool party fun for them.
I was with Dax and Vincent chatting and getting to know each other, I was very comfortable with them,,, that was how we became friends.
Mirabel: Excuse me guys, can I borrow my boyfriend?
Dax: Sure of course, I should be with my baby too… Vince I can’t help you tonight again bro, this is what I’ve been telling you about,,, get yourself a girlfriend
Vincent: Guy leave that thing, I don’t need a w---e or should I kill myself for not finding the type of girl I need?
Dax: You will start doing ultimate search after the loneliness you will feel today, everyone will be in twos soon and there isn’t any single girl here
Vincent: You guys should just go and leave me alone, loneliness won’t kill me
Mirabel: (Laughs) Of course we’ll go,,,, honey let’s go (Drawing my hand along with her)
Me: Guys i’m coming…
Vincent: Ok bro
I smell conspiration among those guys, Infact I was sure that they’re trying to get my sister for Vincent and trying to make me know that he is a good and responsible guy but I refused to concur.
Mirabel took me to the garden where we once met, then we started strolling around slowly.
Mirabel: You remember this place when we started our relationship? I come here whenever I feel lonely to relax myself and also smiled sometimes with tears when I recalled that day we met here. I have loved this place since then because of the good memory.
Me: I remembered everything, even from the first time I saw you, I can still remember vividly like it was all yesterday. How it all started from hate to love
Mirabel: Yea, you were so annoying by then…
Me: Do you know I hated you at first sight?
Mirabel: What? but why?
Me: Because of how you showed up that day, how you spoke with your guards that are older than you and how you spoke with the Lecturer made me thought you were a spoilt arrogant brat
Mirabel: Hhmmmm… I only disliked you because I thought you were a proud guy that shows off his intelligence to make everyone think you’re the best or something,,, and I hate pride.
Me: So we totally misjudged each other
Mirabel: Yea absolutely,,, then I fell for you before I knew it. You hurt me alot when you played hard to get .
Me: I played hard to get?
Mirabel: Have you forgotten?
Me: Well, it wasn’t like that… I saw you as a lover girl that needed real love not with someone like me who wasn’t sure of himself. Hey what are we even talking about? we’re spoiling the mood already, lets forget about all that and focused on the romantic night
We stopped for a while then faced each other, she placed her hands on my shoulder and we looked straight to each other’s eyes.
Mirabel: So… how romantic could this be?
I smiled sheepishly then drew her closer and initiated a kissing session that led to a hot romance for many minutes. The romance came to an abrupt end as I pulled off when the thought of my sister popped up.
Me: Lets go inside (Smiling)
Mirabel: Victor please no
Me: Why? you don’t want to go inside?
Mirabel: You know what i meant
Me: I don’t think i do
Mirabel: You know we shouldn’t go beyond kisses and romance
Me: Yea I know. Oh… wait, you thought I was going to…..? Nah… far from it, my mind was far from that. I just want us to go inside and probably continue there ‘coz its late already
Mirabel: Is that so? Alright, lets go
I went back to the pool and saw that the party was over and most of them had left, remaining some in twos that were just talking while others were making out. I was looking around every corner my eyesight can reach to catch them red-handed,,, by that I meant my Sister Nancy and that Vincent but I couldn’t find them. I met with the male bodyguard and asked him if he has seen her. He replied saying he hasn’t seen her all night. My heart started beating with rage, I thought of what i’d do the instance I catch them together. I went inside Mirabel’s lodge, there she was sleeping on the chair. I became speechless…. Mirabel woke her up and showed her where she’d sleep. I told Mirabel to join me go to Lola’s lodge to eat that I didn’t eat well earliar, She agreed that she also want to eat too.
We went there, and I saw that the party continued in there, they were dancing nude.

Mirabel and I stood dumb for many seconds to collect what our eyes were seeing,,, they were drunk and still having more, the place was smelling crazy, they’ve been smoking marijuana and other type of weeds, and substances like cocaine and all, they were smoking their lives out. I don’t even know any of them there. Lola, Cynthia, Dax, Vincent and those two friends of Lola’s weren’t there with them. We irritatingly walked passed them to the rooms.
Mirabel: Seems Promise left
Me: I guess so
Mirabel: But she didn’t inform any of us
Me: Was she even at the pool party?
Mirabel: I didn’t see her there
Me: It could be that she left during that time, She’ll never party like that
Mirabel: Decent girl huh?
Me: Very decent
The first room we entered was hell! we saw a real live hardcore pornography going on among about eight of them both girls and guys. They didn’t even care to noticed if anyone opened the door before we closed up to next room looking each other but remained speechless. Cynthia and her boyfriend were already asleep completely naked in her messed up room. At Lola’s room? I got the shock of my life,,, three in one with Dax, Lola with those two friends of hers… they were extremely high on drugs.
Dax: Hey, don’t you guys knock?
Mirabel: The door was left opened dummy
Dax: Oh… but s..
Lola: **Cuts in** You guys care to join the fun? Victor you can take on my girls, I don’t need yo little d!ck ‘coz I won’t even feel it anyway **Laughs out crazily** Mirabel how do you cope with that guy? girls… that dude is so so tiny **three of them laughed crazily, one of the girls had cums on her face and mouth**
Mirabel: You’re sick,,, let’s go Victor **walked out**
Lola got me extremely angry that night, I looked at them in disgust before walking out of the room. I was headed to Mirabel’s lodge before I heard her voice closed-by. I looked around and saw her at a corner talking with someone unfamiliar to me at that moment. I went closer and that it was Vincent.
Me: What’s happening here?
Vincent: Hey bro
Me: Hey,,, why are you sitting out by yourself?
Mirabel: He was actually sleeping when I saw him
Me: Why don’t you go inside?
Vincent: I’m ok here,,, here is more cool, inside there is hell even with all the AC’s… gosh!
Me: So you’ve been all alone all this while?
Vincent: And I’m very cool with it
(Hhmmmm… seems he’s really a good guy)
Mirabel: But Dax is your friend, why aren’t you with him?
Vincent: Sure I’m with him and that’s why I’m still here
Me: Alright get up let’s go to Mirabel’s lodge, its more comfortable there
Vincent: Yea it should, i can see it’s less noisy. Please show me in before I catch cold out here **Standing up**
Mirabel: Sure, lets go
Vincent: After you
(I was like hmmmm…. Lol)
She took him to a room where he’d spend the night.
Mirabel: We need to talk
Me: About what?
Mirabel: About what happened back there, what was she talking about?
Me: Lola?
Mirabel: Yes
Me: Forget about that sweetheart, she’s not ok. Lets just go to bed dear
Mirabel: I need to understand
Me: Sweetheart, there’s nothing to understand OK? trust me my love
Mirabel: I’m being serious Victor, tell me why she said that, she’s high but not out of her sences
Me: You listened to her? didn’t you see how high she was?
Mirabel: You can’t tell me that, Lola will never say such thing just like that. Yes she’s high and that’s exactly when she exposes stuffs
Me: Will you calm down? Now tell me, what’s your point in this?
Mirabel: I dunno, you tell me what she’s talking about
Me: Why don’t you go ask her yourself, go on… she exposes stuffs when she’s high right? go on and ask her as she’s still high… excuse me **I walked into the room**
I got into the room and was about to remove my suit before she stormed in
Mirabel: So this is how you want to treat me?
Me: Mirabel you better stop this, you’re irritating me already
Mirabel: Baby why can’t you talk to me?
Me: Answer this questions, she exposes truth when she’s high right?
Mirabel: Yea and it’s true
Me: Ok tell me what brought this issue?
Mirabel: She said you have a little tiny,,,,, d!ck
Me: Is that true?
Me: Why can’t you answer me? or you’re not sure?? **Smiling**
Mirabel: But…
Me: No but sweetheart…
I went behind her and placed my hands around her waist
Me: I love you sweetheart and you know I won’t do anything to hurt you, not even a bit will I feel comfortable in hurting you. That which doesn’t please you, will never please me. What you hate, that I will also hate for your love is my love.
Mirabel: I’m really sorry baby, I just…
Me: It’s Ok,,, can we go to bed now?
Mirabel: Yea sure
Me: Good **Removed my dress and about to jump on to the bed**
Mirabel: But only after shower
Me: What? No, You just go ahead I’m very very tired as it is right now
Mirabel: I didn’t ask for your opinion neither am I giving you a choice,,, get up and lets shower
Me: Look dear its very late already,,, let today’s shower slide by please
Mirabel: Not a chance, you will save yourself more time if you comply now because you will only sleep after shower,,,, we’ve spent almost five minutes debating on this when you can shower within just three minutes.
I was so weak, I didn’t eat well from the party, I managed to gather some strenth before I could have my shower that night. I first had my shower before she did.
Mirabel: Now how do you feel? (After I had my shower)
Me: Terrible! (Actually, I felt better)
Mirabel: Liar… Baby you should be taking your bath two to three times daily and also wash your teeth as well, you will feel free, more relaxed and feel cool when you shower before retiring to bed
Me: I’ve heard you, can I have my sleep now?
Mirabel: Nope
Me: You must be kidding yourself **rested my body on the bed to sleep** Goodnight!
Mirabel: No goodnight kisses?
Me: Mirabel please I’m very weak, I might even collapse if I should sit up
Mirabel: You’re refusing to kiss me?
Me: As I am right now? I will even reject $ex
Mirabel: Woah… this is serious. Sorry baby for bothering you, I didn’t know you’re that tired
Me: Its okay… **feeling somehow unusual** please switch off the AC its like i’m feeling cold
Mirabel: Ok,,, sure you’re Ok?
Me: Yea,,, goodnight
Mirabel: Goodnight, love u…
Too tired to say I love her too, I just slept off. During my sleep, I had weird and uncomfortable dreams, I only have such kind of dreams when I’m sick.
**The following morning**
Mirabel: Victor wake up **tapping me** wake up
I opened my eyes,,, I woke up feeling heavy
Mirabel: You’re burning up! we need to take you to the hospital. Please put on your shirt and trousers lets be going
I managed to stood up
Me: What about lectures? **feeling uneasy**
Mirabel: You need to get checked first, you’re sick and you’re talking about lectures we can easily catch up with
Me: I promised not to miss a single lecture, I have to go to school, I will be fine
Mirabel: At the expense of your health? don’t be sturbborn, You’re going to the hospital
I put on my shirt and trousers, she called on the guards and they took me to the hospital, the next thing was me lying on the hospital bed while the Doctor ran some tests on me.
Mirabel: I called Nancy and told her what happened, she requested to come at once but I told her to wait till later that the guards will fetch her
Me: She’s still at your place?
Mirabel: Yea, I told her to remain there while we’re still here
(Then I remembered Vincent spent the night there and he might still be there)
Me: No, she has to go back to the house… She can’t stay close to Lola
Mirabel: Lola and Cynthia are on their way here, they will go to school from here
Me: They’ll make it to school today after last night?
Mirabel: This is not the first time dear, they will go to school if they want to
Me: Still I think she should go back to the house to,, to,,, to you know, freshen up, change her dress before coming here
Mirabel: **Laughs** So its true?
Me: What?
Mirabel: Don’t worry darling, Vincent left the lodge earliar with Dax
Me: Really…?
Mirabel: Yeapie
Me: Then what’s the truth about that?
Mirabel: **Smiles** Nancy told me everything dear,,, girls talk
Me: About what?
Mirabel: How you’ve been strict on her concerning boys
Me: She’s exaggerating
Mirabel: Really? is that right??
**Doctor walks in**
Doctor: Hello Victor
Mirabel: Doctor, are the results out?
Doctor: Yes
Mirabel: What’s wrong with him?
Doctor: Malaria and typhoid and also his sugar level is very high
Mirabel: Is he going to be admitted?
Doctor: That won’t be necessary, I’ll just prescribed some drugs for him
Mirabel: Ok, thank you Doctor
Doctor: I advise he should stop taking anything that contains more than 2% of sugar. Mr Victor what do you take much that contains sugar?
Mirabel: Doctor he takes yoghurt excessively
Doctor: I advise him to resist yoghurt for minimum of four months
Me: What?! four months?
Doctor: Wait, is he like addicted to it?
Mirabel: Doctor I really dunno, I only know he drinks it excessively
The Doctor started lecturing me on the implications of taking excessive yoghurt. My mind wasn’t with him, It was the four months exile that bothers me.
