In this kind of situation, I dunno how to react. Because, this is quite a good news,,,, buh it could be a bad news as well.
Dating the President’s Daughter? Am I supposed to be mad at her?
Besides, she was right, I didn’t ask her about her family background and the topic didn’t came up until now.
Mirabel: C’mon love,,,, please understand the situation. We love each other thats all that matters Don’t get mad at me plea…

Me: What are U talking about love?! This is awesome!! Its super cool!!
Mirabel: You’re Ok with this?
Me: Of course love! Its far better than what I was thinking
Mirabel: Huh? What were U thinking??
Me: Its not important now dear
Mirabel: No, please tell me I want to hear it
Me: Uhmmm…. dear please don’t get mad at me if I tell U
Mirabel: Ok I promise! Tell me already!!
Me: Alright,,,, I couldn’t stop imagine that maybe U were a runs girl, like maybe U do sugar daddies.
Mirabel: But why imagining such about me?
Me: Because, I’ve been wondering how U get your money and everything U got. U even have guards,,,, but those imaginations were a long time ago dear, its not of recent
Mirabel: **Laughs** Now U understand everything right?
Me: Absolutely and I’m very cool with it ‘coz…. I dunno buh I just love U
Mirabel: Awwww! Sweetheart!! I so much love U too,,,,,, we got to go now its quite late aready
Me: Oh! Yeh Its late. I lost track of time ‘coz i’m with U and I enjoy every single second of your company
Mirabel: Oh my love,,, please not now. Lets get home first then U can blow up my brain there with your sweet words… C’mon lets go
Me: Uhmmm… waiter?!
Mirabel: There’d be no need for that. I’ve settled her already
Me: Hhmmm… my girl is just so amazing
Mirabel: Anything for my boo.
We left there for her place, I drove actually.
Mirabel: Thanks love, I had a great night
Me: Thank U too…. it was indeed a great night
Mirabel: Do U need a drink?
Me: No, I’ve had enough. Even if its yoghurt, I wouldn’t want it as I am now
Mirabel: I see… U must be really full
Me: Yea,,, So where am I sleeping?
Mirabel: U sleep where I sleep
Me: Great! Lets go then,,, I need to wake early and go to my place so I’d get myself ready for school
Mirabel: Buh lectures starts from 10:00am tomorrow, why the hurry?
Me: U see,,, I kinda read before I went to school
Mirabel: Woah… what a secret, no wonder U answer more questions in the class and impressed the lecturers.
Me: Yea something like that…
Mirabel: Now, I’ve learnt something good from my boyfriend
Me: Hhmmm
Mirabel: Don’t worry, my notes are up to date… we shall study together tomorrow morning Ok?
Me: Alright
Mirabel: That reminds me
Me: What?
Mirabel: I’d love to learn Accounting from U dear, its my worst problem… hope its Ok by U?
Me: Of course its fine. We’d start after school tomorrow
Mirabel: No no no, too early besides its the second to the last exam we’d write in the time table
Me: Ok, I’m ready when you’re ready
Mirabel: Thanks baby…
Me: Uhmmm Mirabel?
Mirabel: Yes?
Me: Never mind
I wanted to tell her to stop referring me as baby, I really don’t like it.
Mirabel: What? Tell me
Me: Its nothing…. lets go in
Mirabel: Okay,,, U can tell me anything whenever U want U know that
Me: I will put that in mind love
Mirabel: Now lets go…
We got into her room,so pinky. She must be a big fan of pink ‘coz 80% of the things inside her room was pink.
Me: Pink girl huh
Mirabel: Yea,,,, its my fancy colour
Me: Cool… its undeniably beautify your room
Mirabel: Thanks honey. Would U take a shower?
Me: No, I’m good
Mirabel: Alright, lemme take a quick shower, won’t take long
She gave me a quick kiss then rushed to the shower room after changing her dress in front me. Of course I didn’t take my eyes off, she’s my girlfriend!.
I adjusted myself ‘coz I don’t normally sleep with my trousers and I’m not gonna start it today with someone who happens to be my girlfriend! Lol,,, I’m so proud of her jare. Woah,,, I’m now dating the President’s daughter whom I love,,, great! My change of behavior isn’t in vain afterall. I won the heart of a great girl, yeh yeh my name is also working for me. Y’all know what Victor means right? Lol.
My thoughts was cut abruptly when Mirabel showed up from the bathroom. Woah,,,, She’s more sexier than I thought. She’s got all the internal and external attributes I needed in a lady. She’s just perfect to my taste, I’m luckier than I thought as well.
Mirabel: Hey dear
Me: Hi babe
I watched her lotioned her body, so soft and tender. DamĪ ! I need to touch that as well **winkz**
Still on her towel, she stood up to her ward rope to get herself a dress.
I stood up and get closed to her behind, I kissed her neck, she paused putting on the dress and turned around.
I used my right hand to grab her waist closer, we kissed slowly but passionately for many minutes, I placed my hands on her a$$ and massaged it while kissing.
I raised my hands upwards on her body and rubbed her soft body for many minutes until she pulled back. She let the dress she was about to wear to fall off her body remaining her towel. Her face turned wild, she pushed me to the bed, then slowly stepped on me….
I woke up the following morning feeling happy, at peace and filled with joy. I love to love and love to be loved. The kind of happiness one derives from love is very special and sweet to the extreme. Seriously, when you are in love with someone,,,, your smiles will be different, your heart will turn soft and be beating “love” “love” “love”.
Whenever U see who U love,,, Chai!
U will know, the excitement and all that. I’m not a love doctor, I dunno if any of the above has happened to U before, so it may not be accurate buh as for me, I’m experiencing it now.
I got up from the bed looking around buh Mirabel wasn’t on the bed with me. I dunno what to guess, I tried calling her buh I got no response. I check the bathroom/toilet buh she wasn’t there. I didn’t get worried as they do in the movies, I brushed my teeth with the available toothbrush I found. I went to the living room calling her name in the normal way but got no response. I perceived something nice, I walked briskly to the kitchen and found her focused on preparing an aromatic meal for the morning. I tip-toed towards her and grab her from the back.
Me: I’ve been looking for U all over the world not knowing U were closer than I thought
Mirabel: **Smiles** U’ve started this morning. I woke up early to prepare what we’d eat before studying. Morning honey…
Me: Nice! Morning love. How was ur night?
Mirabel: Loving, yours?
Me: It was one of my best nights ever.
Mirabel: Hhmmm…. Sweet
Me: So what are U preparing?
Mirabel: Plantain with egg sauce
Me: Hhmmm…. can’t wait to have a taste of those
Mirabel: U better. It will be ready in 6 minutes
Me: Alright
Mirabel: I left my notes on the dining, U can go through it before I join U
Me: Good Idea,,, don’t take too long Ok…?
Mirabel: Promise
I left her in the kitchen for the dining. Our hand-writing were almost alike buh I think mine was better *Winkz*
She joined me about 13 minutes later. We ate the meal with orange juice, we studied, we had our baths together followed with a hot romance, then got ourselves prepared to hit the road leading to my house from there to school.
We sat down at the back of the class gisting as we were waiting for a Lecturer to come in. We talked about lot of things about our lives, family, hobbies, likes & dislikes and lots more.
Mirabel: Promise, come over here
I raised my head up to see Promise entering the class. She came over as Mirabel invited her.
Promise: Hi Mirabel
Mirabel: Hi Promise how U doing?
Promise: I’m well, how about U? (Looking surprised)
Mirabel: Great!
Me: S’up Promzy
Promise: Oga Vickie
Me: How today?
Promise: Not bad so far
Mirabel: Seat Promise,,, join us lets chat. U are the only friend of Victor I know of
Me: Yea,,, She’s my only friend here in school
Promise: Hhmmm… Ok oh…
She sat down to join the conversation. They were great talkatives. I knew Promise was very good in talking buh Mirabel eh… Very fast and fluent. They just kept me in the middle like I don’t even exist. I slowly and silently stood up to leave thinking I would hear… “Victor where are U going to”
buh I didn’t hear anything till I left the class.
I met the girl that gave me her number the other day, Beatrice.
Beatrice: Hi Victor
Me: Hi uhmmm….
Beatrice: Beatrice
Me: Yea Beatrice, how U doing?
Beatrice: Not bad. I have been expecting your call since that day buh U didn’t call
Me: I apologize for that Beatrice, I actually misplaced the number.
Beatrice: Would U have called me?
Me: I dunno,,,, I guess
Beatrice: Ok, U give me your number so I’d call U
Me: But U and I don’t talk much face to face… so uhmmm U know, is it necessary?
Beatrice: I have the chance and space for face to face conversation. I dunno about U
Me: I’m quite a busy person to be sincere. I don’t stay out much.
Beatrice: U can tell me where U live so I can visit U
***Oooh…. what does this girl want from me??***
Me: That won’t be necessary, we’d just see in school
Beatrice: Its Ok
Me: Yea, I have to go now…
Beatrice: Can we meet today again?
Me: **walking away** we’d see about that.
That’s how I left her oh… I don’t want any problem.
I went to seat in a corner, as Mirabel don snatch my friend and Promise got the attention of my girlfriend.
After wondering about one thing or the other, then I reminisced about last night.
*** LAST NIGHT ***
While lieing flat on the bed, she climbed on me with a smile on her face. We kissed as I followed her lead. I got turned on, I start caressing her body all over till I took charge and switched our position as I got to stay on top. The romance got hot, getting hotter and we were breathing like crazy. We could hear the sound of our own kisses and our breathing as well. I slowly pulled off the towel she was putting on remaining her thong underwear. I didn’t know she’d wear anything inside. We continued the romance until I tried to remove the thongs. I slowly and stylishly began pulling it down until she held my hand
Mirabel: Victor,,,,,, noo….
Me: What?
Mirabel: I’m tired already
Me: Buh we haven’t done anything yet
Mirabel: I’m not strong enough to romance intensely for almost an hour then have s*x later, no.
Me: So,,, nothing will follow?
Mirabel: I’m weak Victor,,, U should’ve thought about that long before now
I remembered when one of her friends said she’s afraid of s*x. I wouldn’t want her to be afraid of me, so I’d just let be. I’m not desperate anyway, buh my current activation needed to be deactivated.
My phone ringtone brought me back to reality.
*** NOW ***
Me: Hello
Mirabel: Where are U? I’ve been calling but U weren’t picking up
Me: Sorry dear, I was lost in thought. Is the Lecturer there?
Mirabel: No, I don’t think she’s coming
Me: Ok, Still in the class?
Mirabel: Yes, where are U?
Me: I will be with U shortly.
I went back into the class to meet them only to meet her.
Me: Where is Promise?
Mirabel: She went to do some photocopy, we’d meet her there to pick her up before heading home
Me: Alright, lets go
We met Promise in one of the business center. We waited for her till she finish then we left the school. We drove to my place after dropping Promise off.
We got to my place, alighted from the car to my entrance door.
Mirabel: What about your car?
Me: Well uhmmm… I parked it at that building with fence (Pointing at Mr. Abuh’s house) To be secured
Mirabel: Why didn’t U come with it yesterday?
Me: I just didn’t feel like
Mirabel: Well its your business, do as it pleases U
Me: What’s that?
Mirabel: **smiles**
She dipped her hands into her bag and brought out some papers, handing it to me
Me: **Collecting** What’s this?
Mirabel: Read it
I read it, it was the car’s papers. And it contains my name as the owner of the car.
Me: I don’t understand this Mirabel, what does this imply?
Mirabel: Don’t be a dummy my love,,, the car is for U **laughing**
Me: What! Woah!!
Mirabel: Yeah…
Me: Uhmmm… buh I’m sorry Mirabel, I can’t accept this
Mirabel: What? Why??
Me: Its too big na,,, seriously I can’t accept it. I love the car though buh,,, not now. Besides its not save with me here. I can’t be parking it at that man’s place all the time… its just not right
Mirabel: More reason why U need to leave this place
Me: What are U talking about?
Mirabel: Come live with me Victor
Me: Huh??
Is it proper to live with her?

