Tangle episode 39

Roseline was taken aback as she saw the car driving away from her school.
'What are you doing uncle?' she asked.
'Am sorry I have to take you away from your school, I don't want you to be away anymore, I want you to always be by my side?' Jeff asked.
'Where is my dad?' the girl asked.
'Rose, your dad isn't around, he travelled to London. He asked me to take care of you and I promise him I will'
'Where are we going now?' she questioned again.
'Somewhere you will like' he answered.

As they were having the conversation, suddenly a truck hit their vehicle, it ran off the road and collided with a tree. Two guys came down from the truck with automatic rifles in their hand. They raced to where the car was but as they attempt to open its door, bullets came out of the car sending them down to their grave. Jeffery who was protected by the air bag in his car during the accident came down holding two nine-millimeter berretta gun. He checked on Roseline who was sitting at the back of the car, fortunately she wasn't hurt by the accident but she was frighten by the gun shots.
'It’s okay my flower' Jeffery said as he carried her out of the car.
Together they started walking to the main road but unknown to them, there is still more armed men around. Jeffery hid Rose somewhere inside the jungle before he went to engage the men in a gunfight. After a few minutes of heavy gunfire Jeffery ran out of bullet in his guns. When they realized this, the men wanted to go and get him behind the rock where he was hiding but they suddenly saw Roseline ran out of her hiding place. They bundled her up and threw her into their van. Seeing this, Jeffery came out and chased after the van as it speed off but he was shot and he fell down unconsciously.
Jeffery opened his eyes and found himself still in the jungle but not alone, he saw a police man looking around. He tried to get up and run but he was stopped.
'If you move an inch, you are dead' the police officer parading the area shouted pointing his gun toward him.
'Hey guys, I have the suspect in sight come over' he told his colleague and three cops came.
'Please help me they have kidnapped my cousin' Jeffery said as he saw the officers.
'Shut up and put your hands where I can see them' another cop commanded. Jeffery obeyed and he was arrested and taken to the station.
At the station, Jeffery sat down with an handcuff on his hand inside the interrogation room. The shot he received wasn't so serious, as the bullet only grazed the flesh of his shoulder.
A man sat opposite him.
'So kidnapper, can we get to know your name?' the officer asked but Jeff didn't answer.
'Where is the girl you kidnapped?' the officer asked again slapping his face.
'I didn't kidnap her, she is my cousin' Jeffery answered angrily.
'Where is she?' the officer asked.
'They have taken her away'
'Who took her away?' the officer demanded but Jeff didn't answer.
'Talk to me you this bloody criminal' the office said as he threw a blow on Jeff's wound but still he said nothing.
After the officer tried all he could but couldn't get what he want from Jeff, he walked out of the interrogation room.
The interrogating officer went to the D.P.O's office.
'Sir I tried all I could but I couldn't get any useful information out of him' he said.
'That guy must have been a hardened criminal or terrorist. Get his fingerprint and run it through the national crime data bank, maybe we can find an information about him.
'I will do that sir' he replied and walked out.

Written by Oluwafunminiyi Komolafe
