Tangle episode 7

As promised, she was called to the dinning room when the food was ready. When she got there, she found both friends sitted, ready to eat. She took her own seat. The noise of the plates and spoons soon rent the air.
'Hope you are enjoying the food' Malik asked.
'Yes it tastes nice, isn't it sir?' she asked, referring to Jeffery but he ignored her.
'Am sure Mr. Jeffery is enjoying the meal also' She smiled at him but he replied her with a frown. Malik noticed the situation so he changed the topic.

'It’s a pity we don't know your real name but I think now you should get a new name' Malik suggested.
'Good, you can give me any name you want' she said.
'How about Mary, Janet, Tina, Kate?' Malik suggested.
'Hmm, they are nice names. Mr. Jeffery let’s hear your suggestion' she said.
Jeffery ignored her again.
'Jeff isn't good at things like this' Malik stepped in.
'Okay' she said.
'Hum, I would like to be called Helen after your late sister' she finally announced.
Both guys were surprised by the name she picked.
'Why?' Malik inquired.
'Because I want to fill the space she left in your heart' she answered.
Malik made a deep sigh.
'No way, you can't take that name. No fucking way' Jeffery shouted.
'Why?' she asked.
'Because a freak like you doesn't deserve to be named after my late fiancée' Jeff answered.
Jeffery left the dinning room angrily. The lady was puzzled by what she just heard, even though she uttered no word but her eyes demanded explanation as they gazed at Malik.
'It’s the truth. Helen was my sister and at the same time, Jeff's fiancée. 'He really loved her, they were planning to get married when she died' Malik explained.
'How did she die?' she inquired.
'She had a car accident' he answered.
'How long has it been?' she asked again.
'It’s been four years now, I really miss her' he replied with drop of tears falling down his cheek.
'Am sorry for your loss, I promise to be a good sister to you' she gently wiped down the tears with her hand.
'Do you really want the name?' Malik asked, composing himself.
'Yes I do, provided you can give it to me'
'It’s okay you can have it, I will talk to Jeff,' He promised.
'Thank you very much' she appreciated.
The door to Jeffery's room opened and the lady came in carrying a tray of food.
'What business do you have here?' Jeff barked.
'Am sorry sir, I brought you some fruits, since you left the dinning without finishing your food' she laid the tray on the table.
'Mr. Malik told me about your affairs with his sister, am sorry you lost her' she said.
'Like your sorry is going to bring her back, I don't beg for your sympathy, young lady. I don't need it' he refuted.
'Why? Why do you always see the worst of me? Despite my effort in trying to be nice to you, you never appreciate it. What has been my offence?' she lamented, fighting back the tears in her eyes.
Jeffery was a little moved by this, he made a sigh.
'Alright I know what you want, you want to have the name? Okay you are free to take it' Jeff said.
'Are you sure?' she asked.
'I said you may have it, please give me a moment, I want to rest He--len' he shouted.
'Thanks so much' she left the room happily.
Watch out for next episode
Written by: komolafe olufunminiyi

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