Tangle episode 30

Suddenly she heard someone knocking the door so she quickly closed the mini laptop and hid it. She then went to open the door and find Jeffery waiting alone.
'Welcome back, where is Malik?' she asked.
'I don't know, I thought he came back home early' he answered as he walked in tiredly.
'What? He never came home' Helen replied.
'He must have gone somewhere else, let me go have a sleep, he will come back home tomorrow morning' Jeffery said before walking into his room.

Malik opened his eyes and found himself in darkness. He felt it that he was sitting down and that his hand was tied to the back. He tried to speak but he couldn't move his lips.
The memory of what happened eluded him, he didn’t know why he was treated this way, and he had no idea of his current location. He thought maybe this was one of his bad dreams and that he will soon wake up on his king size bed.
The door opened and he heard someone stepped in. The footstep was moving closer to him. He was about the call on the person to help untie him when he suddenly felt the impact of a hard blow on his stomach. He fell down with the chair and groaned in pain. He felt the chair being pulled up and he was back in his former position.
Another blow landed on his left cheek, and this time around, he felt as if four of his teeth had jumped out of their place.
Another foot stepped in and for the first time since he found himself in this strange position he heard a voice.
'Unveil him' the voice said.
He felt something removed from his head and now he can see.
The sun ray went into his eyes disturbing his vision but his eye quickly adjusted.
When he could see clearly, he saw two men standing before him. One was huge, fierce and muscular while the other was an old man.
'Good morning Mr. Malik, am happy to have you here' the old man greeted.
Malik tried to speak but couldn't because his mouth was taped.
'Please help me remove the tape from his mouth' the man ordered.
The fierce looking man walked up to him and pulled the tape with force. A part of Malik's lips almost gone marred with the tape as his mouth was released from the bondage.
'My name is Chief Charles, the man you stole his precious bread' the man announced.
Once Malik heard the word ‘bread’ his memory quickly came back and he realized the type of shit he is in to.
'All I want is to get back what belongs to me, so I will ask you in a simple term, WHERE ARE MY DIAMONDS?' the old man requested.
Watch out for next episode
Written by: komolafe olufunminiyi

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