The Painful Regret Episode 10

Episode 10
»»After 7days««
»»June 26,2015««
John is seen in his new apartment sleeping on the couch. A knock landed on the door
“come in” john said. Sandra walked in,claded in a short green dress,a brown heel and bag.

Sandra: Lazy guy
John: hmmm
Sandra sat down
John: what……(cut in)
Sandra: My dad said we should come together today
John: you sure he is gonna help me?
Sandra: I know my dad, he have never lost a case, he will help you
sandra walks toward him,sat beside him. She held his hand licking her lips in lustful way,they were about locking lips when john withdrew his face, he patted her in the back and stood up.
John: Let me dress,we’ve to go now*he turned to leave*
Sandra: John,why are you like this, we are getting hitched next month 12 and you are treating me like this. fine i know you haven’t forget about your past lover but dose that mean you should be treating your present lover like this?. ok no problem go and dress.
He pitied her but not his fault,tope is the girl he can never forget. He turned to face her,her eyes soaked with tears, he then walk towards her,he planted a kiss on her forehead and went upstairs to dress.
=After an hour=
They both in sandra’s car,she is driving while john sat beside her at the passenger sit.
————- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
¤In sandra’s mind¤
He never looked at me or admire my beauty.
i’ll have force myself in his heart.
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He glanced through the car window to see someone. He never believe his eyes
“stop,stop,stop” he shouted
Sandra stop the car, john rushed out with fire speed,lo and behold Tope is standing in his front in her nysc uniform.
John: Tope
Tope: You know my name?,please i can’t recognize you. Am so sorry,i lost my memory last 3years and i cant remember anything or anyone. please who are you?
John: you mean you can’t recognize me?
Tope:**with smile** Am not lieing.*She brought out a card from her bag* seems you a friend,am inviting you to my wedding next month 7**she gave him the invitation letter which he collected and went back to the car very sad**
Sandra: What happened?
John: Nothing,just went out to greet an old friend
sandra notice he was holding a card which she quickly collected from his hand.
Sandra: Wow an iv letter,we are going together,you know!! as a couple.
she suddenly stopped smiling when she saw Tope & Segun boldly written on the iv. She looked at john’s face,he looked terrible.
Sandra: Don’t tell me this is your tope and your old friend you told me about.
**deep down in sandra’s heart,she was so happy like jumping out of her skin but she pretended to be sad**
John: I just cant believe this,why is all this happening to me **he sobbed**
Sandra: Its okay,you just have to move on with your life seems she dosnt love you from the beginning.
John: She lost her memory and cant remember anything or anyone.
Sandra: And you…….(john phone beeped)
He checked his inbox. message says
“John hope you doing good,wonder where i got your new number?,We have to meet john. lets meet now at……….(MARY)
John: Sandra we have to go somewhere now………
Story end soon
