Releasing Your Potential
Ecclesiastes 6:3-6
How will you be remembered?
"Knowledge of ability is the
introduction of responsibility"
this questions:
-What would you like each of the speakers
in your funeral say about your life?
-What kind of husband or wife, Father or Mother would you like their words to reflect?
-What kind of Son or Daughter or Cousin, Nephew or Niece, Uncle or Aunt?
-What kind of Friend or Working associate?
"The greatest tragedy in life is not
DEATH, but life.. Life that fails to fulfill its purpose and potential".
Don't talk about your potential dreams,
visions and ideas. Step out now and determine to do them. Remember, "well
done" is better than "well said". God placed Potential in you to
benefit the world.
Live fully and die effectively! Maximize
your potential and die empty!
Prayer: Oh
Lord, thank you for the great and mighty and powerful potential you've granted
unto me. I pray thee, help me maximize it and let nations testify that you're
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